..:: VolFer Matbaa Kutu ve Etiket Bıçakları ::..
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STRAIGHT CUTTING DIES :Corrugated cardboard and is the standard boiler cutting molds, pedal, tales and reciprocating machines, such as is used.

STICKER CUTTING DIES : The label cutting dies ayrılır.Birincisi standard 23.8 mm height from the blade into its own in the second and the other to a height of 8-12 mm from the blade molds to the foot kalıplar.Standart, fairy tales, such as boiler machines kullanılır.8-12 mm tags used in paper cutting machines, molds height of the coil.

BOBST CUTTING DIES: This mold is used cardboard and corrugated board cutting machines, cutting units, except for specific and rapid extraction and pre-sorting machines vardır.4 parçadır.Normal, male, female, and these patterns are cut from the front works as a set debugging provides automatic extraction of.

FREQUENCY AND CUTTING DIES VACUUM : These molds plastic, PVC separators, plastic book, calendar, containers, mobile phone covers and related products used in manufacturing.

LEATHER CUTTING DIES : Wallets and leather used in the manufacture of souvenirs.

GASKET CUTTING DIES : automotive, home appliances, industrial machinery is used in the manufacture and sealing all kinds of products that contain specific phrases and accents of a hardened cutting knives.

BANKA HESAP NUMARAMIZ: Y.K.B Topkapı Center Şube Kodu: 0686 Hesap No: 86687845 IBAN : TR910006701000000086687845
mail: info@volferlaser.com Alternatif: volfer@gmail.com Tel: 0212 577 46 45 Fax: 0212 565 67 19